Cannibals Anonymous


I have a problem. I'm a cannibal.

Albert Fish: "We had lunch. Grace sat on my lap and kissed me. I took her to an empty house in Westchester I had already picked out. When we got there, I told her to remain outside. She picked wildflowers. I went upstairs and stripped all my clothes off. I knew if I did not, I would get her blood on them. When all was ready I went to the window and called her. Then I hid in the closet until she was in the room. When she saw me all naked she began to cry and tried to rund down the stairs. I grabbed her, and she said she would tell her mama. First I striped her naked. How she did kick, bite and scratch. I choked her to death, then cut her into small pieces so I could take my meat to my rooms, cook and eat it. How sweet and tender her little ass was roasted in the oven. It took me nine days to eat her entire body. I did not fuck her, though I could have, had I wished. She died a virgin."

Richard Chase: "The first person I killed was sort of an accident... The second time, the people had made a lot of money and I was jealous. I was being watched, and I shot this lady --got some blood out of it. I went to another house, walked in, a whole family was there. I shot the whole family. Somebody saw me there. I saw this girl. She had called the police and they had been unable to locate me. Curt Silva's girlfriend --he was killed in a motorcycle accident, as a couple of my friend were, and I had this idea that he was killed through the syndicate, that he was in the Mafia, selling drugs. His girlfriend remembered about Curt --I was trying to get information. She said she was married to someone else and wouldn't talk to me. The whole syndicate was making money by having my mom poison me. "

Ed Kemper: "If I were seeing this patient without having any history available or without getting the history from him, I would think that we're dealing with a very well adjusted young man who had initiative, intellignece and who was free of any psychiatric illness...In effect, we are dealing with two different people when we talk of the 15 year boy who committed the murder and the 23 year old man we see before us now... It is my opinion that he has made a very excellent response to the years of treatment and rehabilitation and I would see no psychiatric reason to consider him to be of any danger to himself or to any member of society."

Ottis Toole: Just like that Mexican wasn't going to let me out of the house. I took an axe and chopped him all up. What made me... I've been meaning to ask you... that time when I cooked some of these people? Why'd I do that?

Henry Lucas: I think it was just the hands doing it. I know a lot of things we done, in human sight, are impossible to believe.

OT: When we took 'em out and cut 'em up... remember one time I said I wanted me some ribs? Did that make me a cannibal?

HL: You wasn't a cannibal. It's the force of the devil, something forced on us that we can't change. There's no reason denying what we become. We know what we are. Ottis, you know everything you say is going on tape here?

OT: I know... Remember how I liked to pour some blood out on them?

Ed Gein: "He stated that prior to the first grave robbing incident, he had been reading adventure stories of head hunters and cannibals. He related in detail one story of a man who had murdered a man, aquired his yacht and was later captured and killed by head hunters... When asked about the sexual aspects of this activity he commented on the great variations in age of the bodies. When it was pointed out that he was interested only in the bodies of women, he stated that the articles he read indicated that these heads were more valuable because of their longer hair."

Andrei Chikatilo: Look at this useless thing. What do you think I could do with that?... I am not a homosexual... I have milk in my breasts; I am going to give birth!

Nina Beletskaya: I wanted to see this man who could rip open my son's stomach and then stuff mud in his mouth so that he would not cry out. I wanted to know what he looked like, to know which mother could bear such an animal.

John Haigh: Haigh began as a little swindler in England during WW2. He enjoyed inviting his victims to his so-called laboratory where he killed them and drank their blood. Then, he dropped them in a tank full of acid.

Robin Gecht: "Have you ever heard of the 'Ripper Crew murders'? Robin Gecht, Tommy Kokorolies, Andy Kokorolies, and Eddie Sprietzer made up this horrible group. They killed over 18 women. Robin Gecht was considered 'the boss'. He was the most evil out of them all. I have recently began corresponding with him. The way they killed these innocent women is unimaginable. They would abduct a female, cut off one of her breast, and would take turns having sex with the open wound. After they would take the severed breast home and each would masturbate into the fresh portion of the breast. Then they would cut the breast into little pieces and then eat it."

Peter Kurten: "After my head has been chopped off, will I still be able to hear, at least for a moment, the sound of my own blood gushing from my neck? That would be the pleasure to end all pleasures."

Georg Karl Grossmann : Another post-WWI-German degenerate that made a living selling human flesh. Georg, a horrifying individual, was acquainted with every kind of perversion, even bestiality. A former butcher, after nights of heavy drinking, he would bring prostitutes home, have sex with them, and hack them into pieces. The next day he would peddle their flesh as beef or pork. He was arrested in August, 1921, when his landlord summoned the police to his door following a loud altercation. Inside his pad they found a freshly butchered lass ready to be chopped up. They also found evidence of at least three other divvied up girls. The mad butcher laughed when he was given the death sentence and proceeded to hang himself in jail.

Dale Merle Nelson: A sexually dysfunctional lumberjack, Dale fought his impotence with violence and liquor. On September 5, 1970, tanked up with booze and hatred, he drove to his wife's relatives' house where he killed a women and her seven-year-old daughter. Feeling a bit hungry, he slit the young girl's gut and munched on the half-digested food in her entrails. He then went to a neighbor's house and killed all six inside, sodomizing an eight-year-old girl as she died. Feeling hungry again, he returned to the first house and stole the corpse he previously had for dinner.

Marcelo Costa de Andrade: Over a nine-month period Marcelo tallied 14 dead in the streets of Rio de Janeiro. His victims of choice were poor street urchins whom he attracted to deserted areas, raped and strangled. He also practiced necrophilia, decapitated one of the boys, crushed the head of another, and, in two occasions, drank their blood. Later he confessed his vampiric thirst was merely "to become as beautiful as them."

Arthur Shawcross: Art munched on two Vietnamese girls during his tour of duty in Vietnam. He believed that the spirit of one thirteenth-century cannibal, "Ariemes," possessed his body and taught him the finer points of eating human flesh. In 1988, after serving 15 years fro stragulating two children, Art set out on a 20-month murder spree in which he bagged and chewed on eleven women. Once in custody Art detailed his cannibalistic deeds explaining that he was possessed by his shrewish mother's spirit (as well as Ariemes). Mom, it seems, enjoyed ramming broomsticks up his ass when he was young. In 1990, Art received ten write-in votes during New York's gubernatorial race.

Cannibalism in Sebastopol: "These were people who cut up and ate corpses, who killed their own children and ate them, I saw one. She had been brought to the district centre under convoy. Her face was human but her eyes were those of a wolf. "

They tried it, they liked it, they did it again!
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